Adding basket and conversion value tracking to your tags

Adding basket and conversion value tracking to your tags

Reporting on the actual  Conversion value or the Missed conversion opportunity are good indicators of good and bad performing forms or funnels.

Adding revenue tracking to your tags

Any of the following parameters can be added to the Exatom tag to accurately track basket or conversion values.

Value type
The total basket value or the total conversion value
The transaction ID
Only applicable if the revenue is passed on conversion

Example of tracking basket value 

Execute your event tracking tag, with the added parameter every time the visitors shopping basket is changed (additions, quantity changes, removals). If multiple times during a session a revenue value is sent we'll use the last value.
The revenue tracked over here is used to calculate the Missed conversion opportunity.

<script src="" async></script>  

Example of tracking conversion value 

Execute your conversion tag, with the added parameters once a visitor completes the order or payment.
The revenue tracked over here is used to calculate the Conversion value.

<script src="" async></script>  


What about the conversion value set at the form level?

It's allowed to set an arbitrary Conversion value during the setup of your form, but that is just an indication and not an accurate representation of your (missed) conversion values. Tracking the actual conversion value with passing parameters to your tags makes the value representation in your dashboard reflect the true Missed conversion opportunity or Conversion value.

Data passed through the tags have priority over the actual configured conversion value on the form level.
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