Displaying your Smart Tooltip at the right moment with the right message is the key to success. With the error targeting option, you can target specific errors on a form field to tailor the message.
For example, we imagine having an account creation form with a field email address . On that particular field, multiple error messages could be displayed, like:
- Please enter your email address
- Invalid email address format
- An account with this email address already exists
- Etc
Getting started
- Setup your Smart Tooltip as usual
- Add the error targeting feature from the Configuration and targeting options on the left side of the screen
- Enter one or multiple keywords per line
- The usage of wildcards (*) is allowed and will match one or multiple characters
- Save, preview, test and publish your Smart Tooltip
Validation error type targeting
When your form implements HTML5 specific form fields like type="email" , type="tel" or uses pattern="regex" validation, you have the ability to target those specific types of errors. You can target one of the lines below as a specific error keyword .
- "badInput":true
- "customError":true
- "patternMismatch":true
- "rangeOverflow":true
- "rangeUnderflow":true
- "stepMismatch":true
- "tooLong":true
- "tooShort":true
- "typeMismatch":true
- "valid":true
- "valueMissing":true