Install with Google Tag Manager

Install with Google Tag Manager

1. In order to add the Exatom tags to Google Tag Manager, log in to your account and select New Tag and click Add a new tag.

2. In the upper-left corner, rename the tag and change 'Untitled Tag' into 'Exatom Event Tag', click on Tag Configuration and select the Custom HTML Tag from the list.

3. Log in to the Exatom platform and click on the Tags menu item to view your tags. Click next on the edit icon of the Event Tag and press the Copy button to copy the code to the clipboard.

4. Paste the code into the Custom HTML field of your Google Tag Manager.

5. The next step is to select a trigger. As the Event Tag needs to fire on all pages, select 'All Pages' from the list op triggers and press Save in the upper-right corner.

6. Now we start with implementing the Exatom Conversion Tag. In case you have multiple forms with different conversion/completion types, repeat step 6 till 10 for each conversion type.  

7. In Google Tag Manager, select New Tag again and click Add a new tag.

8. In the upper-left corner, rename the tag and change 'Untitled Tag' into 'Exatom Conversion Tag'. In case you have multiple conversion types, change the name into a specific name that makes it easy for you to recognise, i.e. 'Exatom Newsletter Conv Tag'. Click on Tag Configuration and select the Custom HTML Tag from the list.

9. Log in to the Exatom platform and click on the Tags menu item to view your tags. Next, click on the edit icon of the Conversion Tag and press the Copy button to copy the code to the clipboard.

10. Paste the code into the Custom HTML field of your Google Tag Manager.

11. The next step is to select a trigger for the Conversion Tag. As the Conversion Tag only needs to fire upon successful completion of the form, make sure you select the trigger from the list that corresponds to form completion. This can be a User Engagement trigger, like 'Form Submission' or Page View trigger with the URL of the 'Thank you' page. For more help on setting up conversion triggers, please view the help pages of Google Tag Manager. After selecting the correct trigger, press Save in the upper-right corner.

12. Publish your workspace with the new tag by clicking on Submit and the Exatom Tags are live.

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