How to setup a form

How to setup a form

To setup a form in the Exatom platform, go to the Setup section in the menu, select Form and click on the 'Add form' button. The form finder field will show up, where you can fill in the page URL where the form is located.  You can simply start with the domain name and ignore the "https://" part. Click on 'Find my form' to start the finding process.

The forms that are found will show up (with the form ID, number of fields and form name) and you can select the one to setup. All the fields will appear with their names and ID. The label is the name that is used in the Exatom platform, which is a copy of the original name, but can be changed if preferred. Typically the original field names are abbreviations or technical names that don't make a report or alert show up intuitively. For example, it's better to use a label like 'First name' when the original name is 'FName_ID6_int'.

In the section Final touches, you can rename the form and set the average conversion value (so you see the business value of your conversions and missed opportunities). You can also add additional URL's where the same form appears and which data should be aggregated.
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