Using Exatom events or signals on your website or CRM

Using Exatom events or signals on your website or CRM

While we provide our Motivational Widgets to make it easier to communicate with visitors on your forms, it might not be that exact moment or format to deliver a message. You might be looking for capturing form specific signals like started or hesitation detected, and act on them later. That could be on your website, mobile app or other communication channels like email.

Exatom (anonymously) analyses in real-time user form behaviour and provides signals for you to process through JavaScript on all pages of your website.
  1. Exatom analyses the visitor behaviour
  2. Exatom crunches behavioral data into signals
  3. Exatom provides signals to your website
  4. You capture those signals and direct them to your Audience Management Platform of choice

A quick guide on audience setup

Audiences can be set up in your platform of choice: Adobe Audience Manager, Segment, Sendgrid, Mailchimp and any other that supports targeting segments or audiences.

Platform requirements

  1. Ability to build segments (group of visitors)
  2. Ability to add visitors to a segment by firing a tag or pixel (image, script, iframe)
  3. Ability to create audiences from segments with AND OR and NOT conditions

Audience journey

  1. Exatom analyses the visitor behaviour
  2. Exatom provides signals to your website
  3. Your website captures those signals and executes tag or pixel calls to your platform of choice

Setting up audiences

Audience can be setup form any of the signals  listed below.
As seen on the color coded  conversion path image above we can identify four interesting audiences. Let's build those.

Audience name
No form interaction
pageview AND NOT starts
Form engagement but not converted
starts AND submits NOT converters
Submitted but abandoned
starts AND submits AND NOT converters

starts AND conversions

Variations could be made with or without the hesitation signal, for example

Audience name
Form engagement but not converted with hesitation
starts AND NOT converters AND hesitation
Form engagement but not converted without hesitation
starts AND submits NOT converters AND NOT hesitation

All available Exatom signals (events)

JavaScript event name
When out tag in executed in the browser or the URL of the page changed without a page reload (for SPA's (Single Page Apps)).
Form Start
When a visitor starts to interact with your form. An interaction is defined as starting to fill out your form (fill a field, change a checkbox/dropbown/etc). Selecting or moving between fields without changing its data is not considered as a start-activity.
Form Submit
When a visitor submits the form. Be aware that if your page refreshes or loads a new page within the same browser tab you'll need to make use of the navigator.sendBeacon method to process the signal and send it over to its destination.
Form start hesitation
When a visitor hesitates longer to start filling in this form than the average visitor. Our data science model automatically calculates your form's hesitation time for the last seven days, so it's personalized for each of your forms.
Field hesitation
When a visitor is not making an attempt to fill-in a field within the average hesitation time of your converters, this event is triggered.
Field correction
When a visitor changes the value of a field for the second time. A correction is only counted when the visitor returns to a field from another one.
Exit intent and no form start
When a visitor makes the intent to leave your website before interacting with your form. The exit intent pattern monitors several actions: moving the cursor outside of the screens visible area (menu-bar, close button, ...), your website losing focus by switching to another tab or app.
Exit intent and after form start
When a visitor makes the intent to leave your website after interacting with your form. The exit intent pattern monitors several actions: moving the cursor outside of the screens visible area (menu-bar, close button, ...), your website losing focus by switching to another tab or app.
Field interaction
When a visitor interacts the first time with this field. An interaction is an attempt to fill-in a field, just clicking or not changing the value of a field is not considered an interaction.
Field change
When a visitor changes the value of a field.
Field focus
When a visitor clicks or moves with keyboard controls to a field.
Field leave
When a visitor goes away from a field. This occur by moving to another field or another section of the pagge/website.

Javascript setup 

It's recommended to work with a website developer and test the integration within an isolated non-production (live) environment before enabling it for all your website visitors.

Basic (vanilla) Javascipt code

document.body.addEventListener('ExatomFormStart', (domEvent) => { // Your code goes here });

Basic (vanilla) Javascipt code with multiple events, same action

const eventHandler = (domEvent) => { // Your code goes here } document.body.addEventListener('ExatomExitIntentPreFormStart', eventHandler); document.body.addEventListener('ExatomExitIntentPostFormStart', eventHandler);

JQuery code

$('body').on('ExatomFormStart', (domEvent) => { // Your code goes here });

JQuery  code with multiple events, same action

$('body').on('ExatomExitIntentPreFormStart ExatomExitIntentPostFormStart', (domEvent) => { // Your code goes here });

Available datapoints for each signal

  1. domEvent.type: holds the event name 'ExatomFormStart'
  2. holds the HTML element that the visitor interacted with

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